Why "perfume", which is not very popular in the East, is deeply loved and sought after by Westerners.

Why "perfume", which is not very popular in the East, is deeply loved and sought after by Westerners.

It is rumored that ancient Europeans did not like to take baths.

perfume, which everyone should be familiar with, will not be explained separately here. But there is a question, I wonder if you have ever thought, that is, why it is so popular in the West and why the modern perfume popular in the world was born, improved and developed from Europe?

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at its worst, even the water for human consumption is muddy, dirty and stinky. Even at this time, Europeans are not in the habit of boiling water to drink, which may be for economic reasons. In order to prevent the drinking water from causing disease, they can only ferment the water and grain into beer to remove the smell, sterilize and disinfect. And this is also the Middle Ages when

& nbsp;\ & quot; granaries knew etiquette\ & quot;, was difficult to fully guarantee basic food and clothing, and people would only focus on the most necessary places for survival.