Recommend books every week | slowly revise your life to like it.

Recommend books every week | slowly revise your life to like it.

Douban recommended book

the Weekly recommendation column recommends a total of 10 books a week, including 5 fictional and 5 non-fictional books. "the most popular Book of the week" is taken from Douban Reading's "list of most watched Books", and "Weekly New Book Express" is taken from Douban Reading "New Book Express".

fictional class

recommendation: Open this book, as if you have fallen into Alice's rabbit hole and come to a strange world of words, where the symbols are specious, the signifier drifts away from the signified, and common sense gives way to the brain.

"I seem to have opened this novel by Zhu Yue two years ago. I didn't finish it at that time. To be honest, I only read the beginning. The main reason is that I had a bad habit at that time and liked to read while eating. When the whale swallowed the elephant, the first article read "personal tragedy"-thinking of NC picking out the glass dregs in the soup with his tongue every day, the whole person was' scared and trembling', and it was inevitable to collapse. But maybe I got it wrong, maybe it was just a dream. I can't explain it.

there are other things that can't be explained clearly. For example, I once dreamt that I had a cabbage growing on my head. The leaves of cabbage droop wilting and are adorable. When I read the Poet and the Detective, I felt inexplicably sad when I saw the detective 'put the eggplant skin on the top of his head'. Zhu Yue and I probably have some tacit understanding about the fact that there is less and less hair. "

-- excerpt from Lao Yu's book review


recommendation: from turning your hobby into a job, to buying an old house and decorating it yourself, the author Tomoko Iwasaki teaches you how to polish your life bit by bit into what you like.

"the text of the whole book removes the exaggeration and emotional force that is too strong, and comes slowly, starting with how to buy a house, how to decorate the process, how to rejuvenate old objects, how to choose accessories, how to do the kitchen, and how to do the homemade washstand, along with hand-painted decoration patterns. Of course, there are all kinds of real pictures from the whole to the details, as if they are within reach, and the perfect visual enjoyment is within them. No matter which detail the author describes, the author is not just showing it as a finished product, but telling you step by step with great patience and tenderness how I did it. "

-- excerpt from Shuixiu Township's book review



recommendation: "the world depicted by Kadeha is like purgatory, famine, desolation, fear and suffocation." Nobel Prize winner Kutcher    the unfinished legend of Numenor and Zhongzhou

author: J.R.R.

A collection of anecdotes from ancient times to the end of the Lord of the Rings War, spanning thousands of years. Every story in the book is "unfinished", but the legend is endless, so it never ends.

meet Dickens in summer

author: Ray Bradbury

recommend: if you meet Dickens, Oscar Wilde, Ernest Hemingway, Allan Poe. What would you say to them? Let's watch Lao Lei use the power of fantasy to travel through time, revive the former literary superstars, and arrange another wonderful life for them.



dissatisfaction with democracy

author: Michael Sandel

recommends Michael Sandel's complete exposition of his public philosophy, which is suitable for everyone who lives in the present and is interested in the meaning of freedom and democracy.

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author: Sarah Papworth /Oder Van Lane

recommend: he was once frustrated, poor, but never lost faith, and Monet painted his "impression" in a fleeting world. In this book, illustrations echo with the artist's works, showing Monet's colorful art and life.

author: Lawrence Saskander /Patrick Field

recommendation: Why are people angry? How to deal with the angry public? Lawrence Saskander and Patrick Field deeply study and summarize the major crisis public relations events over the past few decades, and write a cost book combined with their own years of experience in crisis mediation.