Life question: why does the hair split?

Life question: why does the hair split?

In fact, it is natural wear and tear.

when the hair grows long, it is hard to avoid bifurcating, so why does the hair bifurcate?

to answer this question, you need to first talk about the structure of the hair. The hair looks like a thread to the naked eye, but it has several layers of structure. The outermost is fur, which is usually referred to as "fur scales" in shampoo advertisements. The fur is 7 to 10 layers of dead cells that cover the surface of the hair-like scales. The healthy and complete fur covers the internal structure of the hair very comfortably, so the surface of the hair is very smooth at this time.

with the continuous wear and tear of the hair tips, the furs are about to be damaged, and they will warp up or even fall off completely. At this time, the "hair core"-the fur cortex is exposed, and when it loses protection, it will begin to bifurcate.

this is the hair tip with lost fur and damaged bifurcations under an electron microscope

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so why does the hair bifurcate while other hairs rarely hear of bifurcations? This is because their growth cycles are very different. The growth period of hair is very long, which can reach several years, and then fall off after a few months of rest. And the hair in many other parts of the body may be renewed for a total of only a few months, without so long wear and tear has fallen off for a new one, of course, there are no bifurcations.

one way to reduce hair bifurcations is to keep cutting (nonsense), and the other is to reduce wear and tear. Conditioner can play such a role, in which ingredients such as polydimethylsiloxane can form a protective layer on the hair surface to reduce the damage caused by friction. In addition, don't play with your life to comb your hair and avoid getting wet.

in addition to protecting hair, polydimethylsiloxane's non-volatile and moist properties allow it to be added to sand to make a malleable sand toy that "won't dry":

remember it? Search for "sand" on cool scientific Weibo for motion pictures. I also bought a piece of this thing, although there are no eggs, the feel is still very good.

PS: there is a widespread rumor that the "silicon" in shampoo and conditioner is not good for hair, but it doesn't make any sense. For more information, you can read

an additional bean knowledge:

the hair medulla mentioned in the hair structure diagram above also plays an important role in forensic medicine and criminal investigation. The hair medulla can be judged by observing the structure of the hair medulla under a microscope. Because the medulla structure of different species of hair is different: